The School of Hope is a place of learning where we value HOPE FAMILY TRANSFORMATION RESPONSIBILITY AND GIVING. We are education-junkies, sold out to breaking the cycle of crime, poverty and unemployment by giving every person the chance to complete their education. There is nothing more important that we can do for South Africa today!

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

June News

As part of the curriculum for Life Orientation, the Grade 9 learners learned about environmental stewardship - exploring the benefits of recycling and pollution reduction. They experienced service by cleaning up their local community, and demonstrated the importance of environmental justice (a concept first introduced in South Africa during the early 90s). They showed ownership and responsibility when they were asked to make a difference in their school community.  The reality is that there are communities that receive little to no service in water, housing and waste reduction. Waste management is critical to energy preservation. We believe in preparing our learners (who were very much enthused on the day) to reach a point of confidence when discussing the effects of such issues. Moreover, they should always be geared to action!

Sipho Banda, Educator (English)

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